So fake and didnt even say sorry, Cecilia Cheung scolded that Edison Chen is a hypocrite

A: Albert, C: Cecilia
A: For this incident, you're the first person to speak up; a lot of people think y! ou're brave. You have been silent for over a year, why did you speak up today?
C: Actually this incident happened a few years ago, my actions weren't that good too, thus I chose to keep quiet, because every incident was a mistake, but I didn't know whether this was the best way to keep accept, because this incident was too severe! Why would I keep quiet? Because I felt ashamed, I don't know how to face the public, but because of this, I learned how to be responsible for my mistake. Thus, this time I chose not to avoid, because I made myself a judge, and at the same time I made myself a criminal, and I myself sentenced myself to jail, I don't dare to answer to the public, cause I'm scared I'll invite trouble, but because I want to admit my mistake, thus there's a bomb inside my heart! I am very scared, I don't know how to tell people how scared I am, this is my privacy, Edison promised that he won't let a 3rd party see, so I tell myself it's okay,! because he promised that he won't let anyone see.
! 'I thought I'll go crazy'
After I received news, and the next day, the whole of Hong Kong was watching those photos, I was really scared! I remembered that Lucas was about seven, eight months old, I was very very scared! I wanted to rush into the room and carry my son, but I haven't even carried him, I already felt so scared, it's a feeling that's hard to tell others! (At that point, Cecilia, who was trying to hold back her tears, couldn't help it but cried, and was emotionally stressed!) I rushed into the room and carried my son, and then my legs felt like jelly! (Tried hard to control her tears again) My knees were so low that I lost my balance! I carried my 7-month old son, and told myself, I looked at my son, I'm an adult, and if I don't have the courage to stand up, what would happen to my son? He's a helpless child, a 7 to 8 months old helpless child! Thus I told myself, no, I need to stand up, at first I thought I would go crazy, but I don't think ! I will now.
After the incident, the newspaper also published the news, and I still need to film advertisement, the company and client both thought that I wont attend, but I filmed, (emphasizing) it was really very difficult! (Cried again, and then calm herself down before continuing talking, with tears in the eyes!) I told myself I have to stand up! I did the wrong thing thus I have to be punished, how can I don't film when my emotions aren't good? I continued filming (stammering), I knew that I have to be responsible for all my actions, after filming the advertisement and it's broadcast, the media would write about me, and I'm prepared for it. But one has to be responsible for her own actions! I knew that I was in the wrong, but my friends, my family and my manager all told me not to blame myself and they said: "You're a victim, it's none of your business, you don't have to think about it, frankly speaking, a lot of normal people are doing that, just because you! 're a public figure, thus you're a victim!" But I told everyon! e I wasn 't a victim. Yes! Maybe a lot of people did those things before, but this incident could be controlled by me! How cant I denied this, I am a public figure, I am an idol, what I did would affect the people who idolized me, thus I told the people around me, don't say I am a victim, I am not a victim, but I don't blame anyone, even if the people around me are going to talk about Edison, but I haven't said a word!
'I must be responsible'
This time, I can't push the blames to others again, I've been silent for a year, actually my character is that I'm not afraid of anything, thus I chose to tell myself, I need to be punished, and I must faced the incident and be responsible! I didn't tell any reporters or tell anyone, is because I don't want to get their pity, but because my photos were exposed, thus I really felt terrible! I feel terrible because I'm a woman. (Controlled her tears and continue talking) I admitted because of my son, I want t! o be able to tell my son, Mummy did the wrong thing, but it's over, but I'm also lucky, my daddy and mummy taught me a lot! (Teary eyes!) I must admit if I'm in the wrong, even if I'll get criticized! Thus I chose to admit this time, if you're in the wrong you have to admit, even if you'll get criticized! I did not admit to the truth when my pictures were released, is because for a mum to do such a thing, I don't know whether it'll affect my son, and I still have to look at the reactions of the public, but because I'm punishing myself, thus I won't choose to avoid. Maybe some people would feel that I'm pathetic, or people would feel that I'm doing this to get attention, different people have different views, but I'll accept all, if I want to completely admit my mistake, I have to learn to accept everything.
Chose to admit after Edison disclosed on the Court
A: Why did you choose to admit after Edison gave his statement! in Court in Canada?
C: At first I! didn't think I'll stand up and admit, because I haven't finished my sentence in jail, and was careful of my behaviour. But because I saw on the newspaper that he disclosed on the Court, thus I felt that I need to stand up, just like what Edison said, that he wished that all the victims would go back to a healthy and happy person, thus I chose to stand up and talk, and I chose today! (Frustrated) When I saw on the newspaper titled 'They've suffered enough!' Edison actually said on the Court that 'they have suffered enough'. I felt that I haven suffered enough! (Determined look) If I haven't suffered this hurt before, I won't be responsible for my actions! But today I really have suffered enough, just like what Edison said, all the victims have suffered enough! I had enough of you! The person who gave me the hurt was you, and then you wished that I'm healthy, but the person who hurt me and the media, is you! I had enough of you! You even dare to answer reporters outside the court, an! d helped me stand up! (Frustrated) I felt that you're a hypocrite, you actually say that there's a need to protect the victims, and asked me to stand up, and he actually dared to say: "Whether I made a comeback is not important, what's important is that the victims make a comeback, stand up and enjoy a healthy life!" He actually dared to lie, I always thought that he believed in the lord and won't lie, but after reading the newspaper I was disappointed! He actually dared to say he believed and depended in the lord, then lied, WA! (Roll eyes and look at the sky) I'm totally disappointed, I want to tell Edison, instead of hiding under Jesus, why not admit everything to the media!
'He actually hanged up'
A: This incident happened a year ago, you chose to be quiet for a year, why admit today?
C: This incident happened a year ago, he held a press conference saying he'll protect the victims, but h! e did not! I felt that he should just say he'll compensate the! victims (Cold laugh), but did he protect me, the photos are still circulating on the internet, he did not use any ways to stop it, how can I be happy? Why would he stand up? (Teary eyes) 1. He didn't do anything at all; 2. I can only use a few words to describe: he's a liar (agitated)! After the incident happened, whatever he said, it was for the public to hear!
C: My manager knew that he would hold a press conference to answer to everything, thus she dialed and asked him how it's going? And wanted him to give an answer! Because he knew that there's nothing he can do, but he said: "I'm having a meeting and settling this, it'll be very fast!" (Imitating Edison) Ah! The reception is bad! I'm still in a state of shock, I'll call you back, and then he hanged up. After that, I can't get him anymore, if he was genuinely concerned about protecting the victims, what he should do is at least give a private call and explain, but he didn't! I am representing all th! e victims and stand up and tell the public, and also tell him, you did not even answer to your mistake even now, isn't it better if you didn't speak up?
A: How much responsibility do you think Edison should be held for?
C: It can only be gauge my each of us, for example, myself, I felt that I learn a lesson, and learned how to faced my problem, my lost, my pride but I don't dare to ask him to face it! The only thing I can do is to tell myself that it's alright if he won't stand up, but he shouldn't promised that he would protect those artist, those victims! You said I'm a victim (Asking in a questioning kind of tone), but it's most important how you see others, I am not happy nor healthy, and don't have the ability to stand up I am not that fortunate, he can go overseas, he can sign a singer under him and then be a manager, the others are also not that fortunate, the female artist are not that fortunate! I don't dare! to ask him so be responsible, I mean I want to admit to my ow! n mistak e, and then change myself and use my heart to accept and be responsible for these mistakes.
A: Those photos were released during Chinese New Year, so did you go visiting?
C: Wa! It got so bad (Scream), I have friends coming to visit, and I felt terrible, and my friends tried to act normal in front of me, which made me feel worse (Stammering), I chose this path, but I felt terrible for my friends when tried to act normal in front of me! Wa! Wa! That moment was terrible but I'm ok, I'm glad that I have such supportive friends!
'Mother-in-law accompanied her through the rainy days'
A: Have you ever collapsed?
C: I flew to Thailand a few times, because Nicholas was filming there, and I carried Lucas, (Use tissue to wipe her tears), and I felt my heart pumping loudly! I knew that there were a lot of reporters at the airport, and I don't kno! w whether I felt embarrassed or scared, and screamed when I reached home, because I felt that I've affected my family and the Tse Family with my own fault! But I'm touched and very happy, because my whole family supported me, and we only shouted for 2 to 3 times, but what I was upset about, was that this incident caused my seniors, and those elderly to worry. When the photos were out on the first day, my Father-in-law came over, he didn't say anything, and pretended to amuse Lucas, but he wanted to give me the message that, if there's any problem, we'll face it as a family! Just like my Mother-in-law, it's hard to pin-point the blame for this kind of thing, she just gave me a porcelain figurine, it shows 2 figures on a lotus leaf and there were carving saying "Accompanying through the rainy days', this figurine was her message to me. My husband was even more supportive, he didn't ask anything, but said: "It's okay! Lao Po, it's okay, there's still me to support!" My parents! were also very supportive, I did not screamed for myself beca! use of t his incident, but I screamed for my mother! (There're somethings that are hard to say) My mother called me, I wanted to tell her the good news but not the bad news, because I felt that I was the one who made the mistake, and I knew I'll disappoint my mother, but my mother said: "Daughter, don't face it yourself, I'm okay. If I can shield you, I will shield you!" I was holding on until I couldn't take it, I told her that I shouted a few times at Lucas, and didn't know that a woman can be as bad luck as this, and my mother told me a story, (Cried bitterly) thus I told myself that I must be even braver, and faced my own mistakes!
A: Since this incident, you haven't seen Edison, do you have any messages for him?
C: (Paused) Return me some of my pride and respect for a woman, for this incident, a lot of woman suffered, what I wished was that he would keep the promised he made a year ago, and protect us, and not lying and act! ing benevolent like now! He said one thing and did another thing, is all just to get the forgiveness of the public, but continued to hurt the victims, media didn't hurt me, and I want to answer to my own mistake. Mr Edison Chen, I didn't blame him at all, but what I want to is that (Agitated), he would learn to respect females, (Cried and plead) I also had a mother, it's not that only he had his mother to accompany him to the Court, I also have parents!
It was known that Cecilia would be having an interview, thus the host asked about her relationship with Nicholas, and Cecilia said: "I can't find a better husband!" Other than that, Edison, who was in Singapore, responded to Cecilia's crying and scolding him, and he said: "It's my fault from the start till the end; I knew that she was having a lot of stress, if she'll feel better after scolding me, I am willing to be responsible for everything."
After Edison had his statements in the! Court for the second time, while having an interview outside ! the Cour t, he told the media:
I hope that all the victims can stand up.
It's not important whether I made a comeback, their Well-being is more important.
I wished that they would be healthy and happy.
They have suffered enough.
3 Part Video to interview [Credit to Yanyan1019 on related news]:
Source: The Sun
Pictures: The Sun; Oriental Daily
Translated by: Firesheepy @ AsianFanatics
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