Tuesday, October 13, 2009

News :Nicole Richie Checks Into Hospital

It seems like Nicole Richie has been pregnant for 18 months, but she may finally be ready to give birth to baby #2.

Richie, who is expecting her second baby with boyfriend Joel Madden, reportedly checked into a Los Angeles medical center at the end of last week.

Gossip website X17 reports: "The day after DJ AM's memorial, rumors began to fly that Nicole Richie ! - Adam Goldstein's former fiancé - was admitted to a local Los Angeles hospital. Could she finally be ready to give birth???"

Nicole's due date was believed to be early September, so all signs point to baby #2 being born.

Joel recently confessed that him and Nicole can't wait to welcome their second child into the world, but they're staying mum on the sex of the baby.

Madden said, "We're excited about it. It's going to be great." Nicole's father, singer Lionel Richie, recently confessed he hopes the couple will have a son.

He said: "It's very exciting. Joel is hoping for a boy, but knowing Nicole she's hoping for a little girl again. They're not telling me what sex the baby is because I'll tell everyone! Nicole is the mom of moms. She's in love with the whole concept."

We can't wait to find out if she had a boy or a girl...and what name she chose. Congrats to the happy couple!
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